The following article provides an overview of legislation aimed at countering the financing of terrorism (CFT laws), and includes region-specific examples of CFT compliance legislation in the UK, USA and Europe.
Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, national and international compliance and regulatory frameworks rapidly expanded to include countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) as a central focus. Although terrorist attacks can be carried out with relatively small amounts of money, developing and maintaining terrorist support infrastructures for travel, safe houses and training can add up to substantial sums.
Targeting the financing structures of these terrorist networks – business and charitable fronts, states providing sanctuary and security, financiers and financial facilitators, and even transnational criminals such as arms dealers – has proven effective. Taking aim at these support networks significantly downgrades terrorists’ capacity for perpetrating attacks by compelling terrorist enablers to refuse assistance to stateless agents of radicalism and terror.
Within this context, national governments and international governing bodies and institutions around the world have implemented CFT legislation, and instituted regulatory initiatives to prevent terrorists and their supporters from exploiting banking and financial systems. These legal and regulatory measures have created many new compliance requirements for countless economic sectors. As such, it is necessary for financial and business professionals to be aware of CFT compliance requirements in general, and of industry-specific CFT regulations, in particular.
How is terrorist financing related to money laundering?
People launder money to hide the source of funds, which enables them to successfully use those funds in the legitimate economy. The aim of terrorist financing, however, is to ensure funding for terrorism-related activities. Whereas laundered funds always have illicit sources (otherwise there would be no need to launder the money), money used to finance terrorism can come from both legitimate and illegitimate sources. Indeed, the financing of terrorism is intended to camouflage the destination of funds and the nature of the activities being funded; whilst the process of laundering money is concerned chiefly with blurring the origins of the funds.
Examples of CFT legislation
Given the large number of legislative changes implemented over a relatively short period, CFT compliance now features a range of new requirements and features. The following list contains examples of CFT-relevant legislation, and in no way is intended to be a comprehensive list.
UNSC Resolution 1373 (2001)
UNSC Resolution 1373 was established in the wake of the 9/11 attacks against the United States, and it is particularly important because it has been adopted, either in whole or in part, by numerous UN member states. It calls upon all nations to “prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist acts”, criminalise terrorist fundraising, to freeze terrorist funds, and to prohibit terrorists from gaining access to the world’s financial systems. Other UNSC resolutions impact CFT compliance and legislation, including UNSC Resolution 1267 (1999), which sanctioned and demanded the freezing of Taliban and Al-Qaida-controlled funds, and UNSC Resolution 1566 (2004), which updated the UN’s definition of terrorism.
The UK Terrorism Act
The UK enacted the Terrorism Act of 2000 as “the primary piece of counterterrorism legislation”, according to the UK Home Office. Created in response to the increasing internationalisation of terror, the Act broadened the scope of UK anti-terrorism legislation that had been more narrowly focused on Northern Ireland.
Three key elements of the Terrorism Act of 2000 include: • Proscription of 46 international terrorist organisations in addition to the 14 pertaining to Northern Ireland • Enhancement of the police’s investigatory powers • Criminalisation of terrorism-related offenses such as the incitement of terrorist acts.
Several years later, the implementation of the Terrorism Act of 2006 aimed to provide law enforcement departments, intelligence agencies and courts with the necessary tools to combat terrorism. The law also broadened the scope of criminalised terrorist-related activities to include glorification of terrorism, dissemination of terrorist publications, and terrorist training as offenses. The Act proscribed two additional terrorist organisations, on the grounds that they glorified terrorism. Other UK counter-terrorism legislation includes the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act of 2001, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act of 2000 and the Prevention of Terrorism Act of 2005.
The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 was signed into law on 26 October 2001 in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The USA PATRIOT Act is a far reaching law with special significance to any bank or corporation that does business in the US or with US partners. One section of particular interest to CFT compliance is Title III: International Money Laundering Abatement and Financial Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001. Many provisions of this complex law are germane to the financial community and require much more extensive review than this summary brief allows.
On 12 March 2002, former US Treasury Under Secretary for Enforcement Jimmy Gurule addressed the Bankers Association for Finance and Trade, and outlined several of the key provisions of the Act.
US Executive Order 13224
Executive Order 13224 was signed by President Bush on 23 September 2001 in order to give the US Government a powerful tool to impede terrorist financing. In general, the Order enables the disruption of financial or other terrorist support networks by authorising the US government to designate and block the assets of terrorism-related foreign individuals and entities. The US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) executes the Order 13224 through its Anti-Terrorism Sanctions Program.
FATF 40 + 9 Recommendations
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) issued 40 Recommendations on money laundering which, combined with the 9 Special Recommendations on terrorist financing, effectively cover the regulatory spectrum with respect to Anti Money Laundering (AML) and CFT.
The FATF 40 and 9 Special Recommendations are intended to serve as a framework to “detect, prevent and suppress the financing of terrorism and terrorist acts”. While not laws of themselves, many countries have adopted these recommendations in whole or in part.
Subjects covered in the 9 Special Recommendations include: • Criminalising the financing of terrorism and associated money laundering • Freezing and confiscating terrorist assets • Reporting suspicious transactions related to terrorism, international cooperation, alternative remittance, wire transfers, non-profit organisations and cash couriers.
The EU Third Money Laundering Directive (3MLD)
The EU Third Money Laundering Directive, adopted in 2005, required that member states comply with this directive by 15 December 2007. The Directive expands previous EU regulations in order to fully comply with the FATF 40 and 9 Special Recommendations.
The scope of the 3MLD is broad with respect to affected industries; its provisions affect not only members of the financial system, but also lawyers, notaries, accountants, real estate agents, casino operators, trust, and company service providers. The Directive also extends to all providers of goods where cash payments in excess of €15,000 are made, irrespective of whether the payment is completed in one transaction, or in cases where several transactions appear to be linked.
One of the main requirements of the 3MLD is increased Customer Due Diligence. It is mandated that all required service providers identify and verify the identity of their customers and possible beneficial owners of client entities, and that they continue to monitor their business relationship with customers. The Directive also sets out Enhanced Customer Due Diligence requirements for high-risk customers, such as those who have never been physically present in the business relationship.
Reporting obligations is another important subject covered in the 3MLD. The Directive requires that member states establish a Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) to effectively combat terrorist financing and money laundering. It also requires that the FIU has access to information that it requires to fulfil its tasks. It specifically prohibits (Chapter 3, Section 2, Article 28) companies from disclosing to a customer or third party that an investigation has commenced.
Other topics covered in the 3MLD include record-keeping and statistical data storage, as well as enforcement and implementation measures. The 3MLD repeals previous EU Money Laundering Directives, and has been adopted by many member states.
25 Ocak 2009 Pazar
KYC compliance,
World-Check, the leading global PEP database solution, provides an overview of the PEP compliance challenge faced by banks, accounting firms, lawyers and other financial service providers, and also explores the nature and origins of PEP compliance legislation.
PEPs: An introduction
Somewhat unfairly, a series of well publicised events and financial scandals involving highly placed governmental officials and a number of former political dictators earned PEPs worldwide a reputation as being ’risky‘ clients. Yet while dealing with this category of prospective clients certainly requires Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) and ongoing transactional scrutiny, it would be incorrect to assume that the overwhelming majority of PEPs weren’t desirable clients.
There is nothing wrong with dealing with PEPs, provided that the source of their income is transparent and able to withstand scrutiny. Key to mitigating your organisation’s “PEP risk” is the ability to determine between PEPs who warrant enhanced risk management and those that don't.
What is PEP risk?
From an institutional perspective, the risks associated with a lack of PEP due diligence do not stop at regulatory fines for non-compliance. There is also the risk of severe reputational damage. To compound the PEP risk management challenge, a Politically Exposed Person can become compromised at any given point by just one transaction.
Institutions such as Riggs Bank or the Swiss financial houses indicted for their dealings with Augusta Pinochet, serve as a warning against a lack of PEP risk management practices and one that institutions cannot disregard. At the heart of the PEP issue lies risk management; but to understand the need for PEP risk management, the origins of PEP risk need to be examined.
Origins of PEP compliance
During the past couple of decades, several top financial institutions in the world learnt the value of PEP due diligence the hard way. Several Swiss banking houses suffered much public embarrassment relating to their dealings with Ferdinand Marcos, former president of the Philippines, and his family. When it emerged that the dictator and his wife had defrauded the Philippines government of millions of dollars and deposited the proceeds in Swiss bank accounts, the resultant financial scandal and lingering bad publicity illustrated the need for knowing who your customers are, and to be aware of what they are doing financially. The scandal is generally credited as the beginnings of PEP compliance legislation. The term ’Politically Exposed Person‘ has since been use in the Swiss banking community, and was originally created to define a category of high-profile clients whose business warranted a higher level of risk management. Within the financial services industry, PEP Due Diligence thus evolved.
Over time, emerging Anti Money Laundering and PEP-specific legislation would make PEP Due Diligence a legal requirement for most regulated financial service providers and, more recently. many other sectors and industries as well.
But what are the qualifying criteria for being a Politically Exposed Person?
What exactly is a PEP?
According to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an inter-governmental regulatory body spearheading the implementation of global Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Anti Terrorist Financing (ATF) legislation, PEPs are past or current officeholders, or individuals who are or were formerly entrusted with high-level public functions in a foreign country. Examples of these positions of trust and power include senior politicians, heads of state or of government, senior judicial or military officials, important officials of political parties as well as senior executives of state owned enterprises.
PEPs: More than just politicians
It is not just the primary officeholder that businesses need to assess for PEP risk, but their family and business networks as well.
Access to the banking system can being gained through connected individuals, shell companies or other legal entities, and as a result, existing PEP definitions also include family members and close associates of a primary PEP.
The Wolfsberg Group, an association of 12 leading international banks, broadened this definition to include individuals whose current or past official position can attract publicity beyond the borders of their home country, or whose financial actions or circumstances may be the subject of increased public scrutiny.
What is ‘Existing Client’ Risk?
During the period 2005 to 2007 alone, more than 310 elections and by-elections took place around the world – that’s an average of nearly 10 elections per month. (Source: This means that your existing clients may be elected to public office, and hence become PEPs, without your business knowing it. It may be that you only apply your Enhanced Due Diligence processes to new customers and so miss a whole category of individuals that do not meet your corporate risk appetite. As such, routine and ongoing PEP risk screening is not only considered best practice, but is also a legal requirement.
In practice, full compliance with PEP legislation has not come without major operational challenges. In the post-9/11 era, the proliferation of regulatory compliance laws, combined with the need to screen hundreds of thousands of users and accounts on a routine basis, has created a substantial administrative burden for businesses subject to PEP legislation.
The sheer magnitude of the due diligence challenge has subsequently led to the adoption of a risk-based approach to regulatory compliance, but nevertheless Enhanced Due Diligence and ongoing risk management is still required for PEPs.
What is the risk-based compliance approach?
Broadly speaking, the risk-based approach entails the identification of risks that exceed your business’ stated risk appetite (including the need for regulatory compliance), and then matching individuals and entities against these heightened risks during the preliminary stages of due diligence. Should a person fall into one or more of the specified heightened risk categories, additional due diligence ('Enhanced Due Diligence'/'EDD') is then required.
Many operational PEP definitions are based on the FATF PEP definition, yet the recent trend has seen also certain national and regional definitions becoming broader in their interpretation of what a Politically Exposed Person is. World-Check's PEP White Paper seeks to contribute to the refinement of the PEP definition and to provide businesses with guidance for dealing with PEPs – especially in jurisdictions where politics and business are closely related.
World-Check: A comprehensive PEP compliance solution
Featuring a database of hundreds of thousands of Politically Exposed Persons, robust data mining capabilities and the ability to bulk-filter entire client bases routinely, World-Check enables your business to meet its PEP compliance obligations with ease and on an ongoing basis. Significantly, it is not just the sheer number of profiles in our PEP database that counts, but also the system’s ability to identify and critically assess PEP risk.
About the World-Check PEP database
More than 70% of the Egmont Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) have access to World-Check’s PEP risk intelligence. World-Check emphasises quality, rather than quantity, and sets out to aid organisations in identifying and mitigating actual PEP risk, rather than merely “ticking the boxes” and confirming the position of a Politically Exposed Person. Thousands of new profiles are added to the World-Check PEP database each month, whilst older ones are constantly updated as new public source data becomes available.
Widely recognised as industry pioneer and thought leader in the field of PEP due diligence and risk mitigation, World-Check CEO David Leppan is frequently called upon to address top-level industry conferences as a keynote speaker on PEP-related issues and challenges.
KYC compliance,
24 Ocak 2009 Cumartesi
Super Series™Vacuum Furnace SystemIt’s
super-precise and super-fast. The
T-M Vacuum Super Series vacuum furnace system is the high-
vacuum,high-temperature technically advanced vacuum furnace to satisfy all your
heat-treating needs.Within its all- stainless steel chamber is a two cubic foot
work zone capable of holding up to 200 pounds of material for tempering,
austenitizing, hardening, stress relieving, brazing, sintering, bonding,
annealing, and many other custom vacuum processes.With the standard three-zone
heat control package and electro-pneumatically operated Heat Pack door shield
assembly, a precision heating environment is created for perfect temperature
uniformity.The specially designed Hot Zone-to-chamber ratio enables the
high-speed pumping system to reach high vacuum quicker,maximizing your
productivity and quality with a cleaner work zone. With its inert gas on board
Quick Cool System, the metallurgical gas quench increases your cycle times by
rapidly cooling the chamber and increasing your product output.The Super Series
HMI software system can be configured with our controlled cooling,allows the
user to precisely control the cooling environment.The Super Series vacuum
furnace system can also be configured to accept multiple process gases. Once you
have determined your specific process parameters,the computerized control system
takes over to completely automate the process and archive all system data. An
operator needs only to load and unload the chamber and press the start
button.The Super Series vacuum furnace system is a completely contained unit
with no exposed wires, cables or pumps.This saves you valuable factory floor
space, and keeps your unit clean and easy to maintain. System installation is as
simple as connecting the unit to electric service and attaching gas,water and
air lines. The Hot Zone is fully removable for service.If the Super Series work
zone is not large enough for your application, please ask about our PACER Series
Vacuum Furnace System.Temperature Capabilities and Controllability 10 series
1000°C (1832°F)13 series 1315°C (2400°F)14.5 series 1415°C (2650°F)16.5 series
1650°C (3000°F)20 series 2000°C (3632°F)
+/- 1 degree controllability
+/- 2°C temperature uniformity*
SCR Power Supply regulation
3-zone heat
control with independent PID loop control
Vacuum Pumping System
pump down time*To 0.1 Torr 7 minutes10-5 Torr Scale 15 minutes
Valve: T-M 6" Right Angle Poppet Valve
6" diffusion pump – net pumping
speed:2,400 l/s
42.2 cfm mechanical roughing & backing pump
3.8 cfm
mechanical hold pump
Upgraded pumping systems – Mechanical,
dry, diffusion, cryogenic, and turbo-molecular
Molecular Sieve or
Mechanically refrigerated, optically-dense, cold trap in roughing line or liquid
nitrogen cryo-trap in high-vacuum line (for prevention of hydrocarbon
Inert Gas and Quick Cool System
10 HP blower – 4,200 cfm
free air displacement
Gas/water heat exchanger
18 vents directing Quick
Cool gas onto workload
Integral with furnace chamber, no externally mounted
Multiple-process gas capability
System Controls
The “E” control system: full PC, PLC, and HMI
software control package will provide superior control, system analysis, recipe
management, and data acquisition. With more than 14 user-friendly screens
displayed on its 17" LCD flat panel touch screen, this state-of-the-art system
eliminates the need for separate programmers, controllers and message
Over-temperature control
Digital vacuum display
Center of
load thermocouple standard
Emergency Stop
Uninterrupted power supplies (UPS)
Multiple-channel color
strip chart recorder
Operating Pressure Range
High-vacuum to 2-bar (higher
pressures available)
Working pressure at maximum temperature: high-vacuum to
1 torr (higher pressures available)
Capable of pressures between atmosphere
and 2-bar (for Quick Cool use)
6-bar available
Hot Zone
Usable work zone 12" W x 12" H x 24" D
Usable work zone
volume of 2 cubic feet
Work load capacity 200 lbs
horizontally-mounted Hot Zone comprised of six (6) high temp/lowresistance
molybdenum 2" band heater elements
Heat shielding is composed of molybdenum
layers backed by stainless steel layersin stainless steel containment and an
electro-pneumatically operated Heat Pack door shield assembly
Complete Hot
Zone is easily removable as a unit for fast maintenance and less down
Molybdenum hearth assembly is 12" W x 24"D
Graphite and
tungsten heating elements
Graphite insulation in stainless steel
All-stainless steel construction including head-end
closure and water jacketing
Dual-wall chamber configuration designed to allow
complete water-to-surface contact
Stainless steel dual-wall, water-cooled
Water cooling for power feed-thru is external to vacuum chamber,
eliminating thepossibility of water leaking into the chamber
Six clamp over
center pneumatic clamp/locking door
Working pressure: Full vacuum to 2-bar
(6-bar available)Safety FeaturesAll T-M Vacuum Products, Inc. products are
equipped with standard safety features toensure safe operation.Please consult
T-M Vacuum Products, Inc. at (856) 829-2000 for availability and pricing of
these or any other option requirements.*All times and pressures are for clean,
dry, empty, out-gassed furnace, starting from ambient pressure and temperature,
and may vary. Times and pressures subject to pump size and maximum
Super Series Vacuum Furnace Interior
Super Series™Vacuum Furnace SystemIt’s,
22 Ocak 2009 Perşembe
ASC completes
Inside working diameter: 30ft. (9.26M)
Ouside diameter: 32ft. (9.88M)
Inside working length: 76 ft. (23.5M)
Overall length: 112 ft. (34.5M)
Vessel volume: 82,000 cu.ft.
Max temperature: 450F
Max pressure: 150 psig
Heating system: 40 million BTU/hr
Control system: CPC Level III
Weight: over 1,000,000 lbs.
Man-hours to construct: 65,000+
Interior view
Image shows length and rear-mounted cooling coil/radiator which stands 20ft (6.2M) tall.
18 Ocak 2009 Pazar
KYC compliance
Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance regulation has proved to be
one of the biggest operational challenges banks, accountants, lawyers and
similar financial service providers worldwide have had to
World-Check, the industry standard KYC compliance solution,
provides an overview of KYC compliance and its origins, and outlines the
compliance mandate as applicable to banks, accounting firms, lawyers and other
regulated financial service providers – not just in the UK, Europe and the USA,
but all around the world. Relied upon by more than 3,000 institutions worldwide,
this KYC database solution provides effective legal and reputational risk
Why “Know Your Customer?”
The 9/11 terrorist
attacks on the World Trade Centre revealed that there were sinister forces at
work around the world, and that terrorists activities were being funded with
laundered money, the proceeds of illicit activities such as narcotics and human
trafficking, fraud and organised crime. Overnight, the combating of terrorist
financing became a priority on the international agenda.
For the
financial services provider of the 21st century, “knowing your customers” was no
longer a suggested course of action. Based on the requirements of legislative
landmarks such as the USA PATRIOT Act 2002, modern Know Your Customer (KYC)
compliance mandates were created to simultaneously combat money laundering and
the funding of terrorist activities.
What is Know Your Customer
Know Your Customer, or KYC, refers to the regulatory
compliance mandate imposed on financial service providers to implement a
Customer Identification Programme and perform due diligence checks before doing
business with a person or entity.
KYC fulfils a risk mitigation function,
and one its key requirements is checking that a prospective customer is not
listed on any government lists for wanted money launders, known fraudsters or
If preliminary KYC checks reveal that the person is a
Politically Exposed Person (PEP), for example, Advanced Due Diligence must be
done in order to ensure that the person’s source of wealth is transparent, and
that he or she does not pose a reputational or financial risk in terms of their
finances, public positions or associations. Beyond customer identification
checks, the ongoing monitoring of transfers and financial transactions against a
range of risk variables forms an integral part of the KYC compliance
But to understand the importance of KYC compliance for financial
service providers better, its origins need to be examined.
Origins of
Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance
The arrival of the new millennium
was marred by a spate of terrorist attacks and corporate scandals that unmasked
the darker features of globalisation. These events highlighted the role of money
laundering in cross-border crime and terrorism, and underlined the need to clamp
down on the exploitation of financial systems worldwide.
Know Your
Customer (KYC) legislation was principally not absent prior to 9/11. Regulated
financial service providers for a long time have been required to conduct due
diligence and customer identification checks in order to mitigate their own
operation risks, and to ensure a consistent and acceptable level of
In essence, the USA PATRIOT Act was not so much a radical
departure from prior legislation as it was a firmer and more extensive
articulation of existing laws. The Act would lead to the more rigorous
regulation of a greater range of financial services providers, and expanded the
authority of American law enforcement agencies in the fighting of terrorism,
both in the USA and abroad.
In October 2001, President George W. Bush
signed off the USA PATRIOT Act, effectively providing federal regulators with a
new range of tools and powers for fighting terror financing and money
laundering. During July 2002, the US Treasury proceeded to introduce Section 326
of the PATRIOT Act, a clause that removed some key burdens for regulators and
added significant enforcement muscle to the Act.
What 9/11 changed, in
essence, was the extent to which existing legislation was being implemented.
Using the provisions of the earlier anti-terrorism USA Act as a foundation, it
included the Financial Anti-Terrorism Act, which allowed for federal
jurisdiction over foreign money launders and money laundered through foreign
banks. Significantly, it is this anti-terror law that would make the creation of
an Anti Money Laundering (AML) programme compulsory for all financial
institutions and service providers.
Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act
dealt specifically with the identification of new customers (“CIP regulation”),
and made extensive provisions in terms of KYC and the methods employed to verify
client identities.
In accordance with this piece of updated KYC
legislation, federal regulators would hold financial institutions accountable
for the effectiveness of their initial customer identification and ongoing KYC
screening. Institutions are required to keep detailed records of the steps that
were taken to verify prospective clients’ identities.
Although current
KYC legislation does not yet demand the exclusion of specific types of
foreign-issued identification, it recommends the usage of machine-verifiable
identity documents. The ability to notify financial institutions if concerns
regarding specific types of identification were to arise, combined with a
risk-based approach to KYC, proved to provide a robust mechanism for addressing
security concerns.
Effectively, the risk-based approach to customer due
diligence grants regulated institutions a certain degree of flexibility to
determine the forms of identification they will accept, and under which
KYC compliance: Implications for banks, lawyers and
accounting firms
The KYC compliance mandate, for all its positive
outcomes, has burdened companies and organisations with a substantial
administrative obligation. Additionally, KYC compliance increasingly entails the
creation of auditable proof of due diligence activities, in addition to the need
for customer identification.
17 Ocak 2009 Cumartesi
Analyzing Your Electricity Loads
Calculating your electricity needs is the first step in the process of investigating renewable energy systems for your home or small business. A thorough examination of your electricity needs helps you determine the following:
* The size (and therefore, cost) of the system you’ll need* How your energy needs fluctuate throughout the day and over the year* Measures you can take to reduce your electricity use.
Conducting a load analysis involves recording the wattage and average daily use of all of the electrical devices which are plugged into your central power source, such as refrigerators, lights, televisions, and power tools. Some loads, like your refrigerator, use electricity all the time, while others, like power tools, use electricity intermittently. Loads that use electricity intermittently are often referred to as selectable loads. If you are willing to use your selectable loads only when you have extra power available, you may be able to install a smaller renewable energy system.
To determine your total electricity consumption:
Multiply the wattage of each appliance by the number of hours it is used each day (be sure to take seasonal variations into account). Some appliances do not give the wattage, so you may have to calculate the wattage by multiplying the amperes times the volts. Generally, power use data can be found on a sticker, metal plate, or cord attached to the appliance.*
Record the time(s) of day the load runs for all selectable loads.
See Learn More on the right side of this page (or below if you’ve printed it out) for resources and tools to help you analyze your electricity loads.
For information about determining the overall energy efficiency of your home, see energy audits.
The Anaerobic (ATP-CP) Energy System
The Anaerobic (ATP-CP) Energy System
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) stores in the muscle last for approximately 2 seconds and the resynthesis of ATP from Creatine Phosphate (CP) will continue until CP stores are depleted, approximately 4 to 6 seconds. This gives us around 5 to 8 seconds of ATP production.
To develop this energy system, sessions of 4 to 8 seconds of high intensity work at near peak velocity are required e.g.
* 3 × 10 × 30 metres with recovery of 30 seconds/repetition and 5 minutes/set.
* 15 × 60 metres with 60 seconds recovery
* 20 × 20 metres shuttle runs with 45 seconds recovery
The RTOS Motto: On Time And On Budget
But is an RTOS always necessary? The answer is application-specific, so understanding what one will deliver is key to determining whether it becomes a requirement or an extravagance.
In general, an RTOS can be used anywhere a non-RTOS is employed. However, it’s rare to find an operating system with a matching RTOS that has exactly the same application programming interface (API). Many of them, though, embed an RTOS within a conventional operating system. For example, Lynux- Works LynxOS and Bluecat Linux share a Linux API. LynxOS is a hard RTOS, while Bluecat inherits its base from Linux.
Linux continues to improve its real-time performance, but its worst-case interrupt latency still doesn’t meet what would be considered hard real time for an RTOS. It all comes down to quality of service (QoS). Platforms like RTLinux Free augment Linux, providing hard real-time class QoS.
It’s important to note that this type of addition often incorporates an RTOS programming environment that’s distinct from the original operating system. An RTOS is typically small compared to a conventional desktop or server OS. They often target more smaller, resource-constrained microcontrollers. For instance, CMX’s CMX-RTX and CMX-Tiny+ can run on 8-bit MCUs up through 64-bit processors.
The increased power and memory capacity of 8-bit processors is making an RTOS more desirable for these platforms. But, an OS or RTOS is usually a requirement in 16-bit platforms and up with RTOS products like Express Logic’s ThreadX, Wind River’s VxWorks, Micrium’s uCOS-II, and Green Hills Software’s velOSity being common selections. Depending on requirements, MontaVista’s Linux meets 16- and 32-bit platform requirements in the low microsecond range.
Most programmers aren’t familiar with RTOS constraints and requirements. Most usually opt for an RTOS due to its performance. Most RTOS products are small and fast, yet an RTOS also adds consistency. Beyond the fact that an RTOS gets the job done quickly, it can guarantee a job will get done.
In many applications, a late result can be catastrophic. Thus, a poor result within the proper timeframe is preferable. These applications are generally called hard real-time systems. Hard real time doesn’t indicate how fast the system may be or how quickly a system may respond. Rather, it refers to how reliably a system can meet the specified requirements.
A hard real-time system may have a fixed cycle time of one minute with a response time of one second. In theory, it’s something almost any operating system could handle. This isn’t always the case, though, as anyone can attest to when waiting for a desktop application to respond within a minute.
Hard real-time systems typically have shorter cycle times and tighter response requirements. Faster processors always help, and multicore platforms can improve response time, too. The trick for developers is to match system requirements to the hardware and software, hence the importance of an RTOS in embedded applications.
An RTOS can implement a range of scheduling policies, and the application will often restrict a programmer’s choices (see the table). Non-preemptive scheduling is trivial to implement but useful in some applications. On the other hand, non-preemptive scheduling within a task can be implemented on top of a preemptive system.
Non-preemptive should not be overlooked, especially in light of new multicore processors. Here, hardware may be tuned to handle an event-based operation in which a thread will wait for an external event to occur. This approach is usually unsuitable for a single-core processor handling multiple threads. On multicore systems with many cores, though, it’s often typical to dedicate one core to handle one peripheral. It then makes sense to have that core idle while waiting for an event to occur.
As a result, preemptive, interrupt-driven RTOS architectures make up the majority of platforms deployed. These platforms have a range of requirements, issues, and solutions (see the figure). Interrupt latency is always an issue, although hardware— multiple register sets, hardware scheduling and task switching, and hierarchical priority interrupt systems—can significantly reduce this overhead.
Several issues coincide with preemption. Most are timing-related, like race conditions, deadlock, starvation, and priority inversion, which occurs when a low-priority task A owns a synchronization resource of a higher-priority task B, and a task C with priority higher than A is running.
Without a feature like priority ceilings, task C can prevent task A and C from running. A priority-ceiling feature changes the priority of task A to that of task C, allowing it to run and eventually release the resource needed by C. At this point, task A’s priority returns to normal and task C can run.
The other timing-related issues, which the programmer must address, are often the sources of bugs that are difficult to locate and correct. Trace tools become valuable assets in locating these kinds of bugs, since symptoms such as blocked tasks are the only indication of the problem
On Time And On Budget,
The RTOS Motto
16 Ocak 2009 Cuma
Hotel Chain: K+K Hotels
General : Parking, Pets Allowed, Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Newspapers, Non-Smoking Rooms, Rooms/Facilities for Disabled Guests, Elevator, Express Check-In/Check-Out, Safety Deposit Box, Soundproofed Rooms, Heating, Luggage Storage, Gay Friendly, Airconditioning
Activities : Sauna, Fitness Centre, Massage
Services : Room Service, Business Centre, Babysitting/Child Services, Laundry, Dry Cleaning, Breakfast in the Room, Internet Services, Currency Exchange, Car Rental, Fax/Photocopying, Wi-Fi/Wireless LAN, Free Wi-Fi Internet Access Included
Internet: Wired internet is available in the entire hotel and is free of charge.
Wireless internet is available in public areas and is free of charge.
Parking: Public parking is possible at a location nearby and costs EUR 32.00 per day.
Food & beverage
A generous buffet breakfast is served in the breakfast room from 06:30 to 11:00 (weekdays), and from 6:30 to 12:00 (weekends).
The Bistro-Bar is open daily between 12:00 and 00:00.
Room Service is available between 12:00 and 22:00 each day.
Area information
Saint Germain des Prés is an area of the 6th arrondissement of Paris, located around the church of the former Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Home to a number of famous cafés, such as Les Deux Magots and Café de Flore, the Saint-Germain-des-Prés area was the center of the existentialist movement (associated with Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir).
The Musée d'Orsay, situated on the left bank of the Seine, is housed in the former railway station, the Gare d'Orsay. It holds mainly French art dating from 1848 to 1914, including paintings, sculptures, furniture, and photography, and is probably best known for its extensive collection of Impressionist masterpieces by popular painters such as Monet and Renoir.
The Musée Rodin contains most of Rodin's significant creations, including The Thinker and The Kiss. Many of his sculptures are displayed in the museum's extensive garden. The museum has also a room dedicated to works of Camille Claudel.
Hotel Policies
Check In: 14:00 hours
Check Out: 12:00 hours
Cancellation Policy: If cancelled or modified up to 1 day before the date of arrival, no fee will be charged.
If cancelled or modified later or in case of no-show, the first night will be charged.
Children and Extra Bed Policy: All children are welcome.
One child under 5 years stays free of charge when using existing bedding.
One child under 2 years stays free of charge in a baby cot.
One older child or adult is charged EUR 55.00 per night and person in an extra bed.
Maximum capacity of extra beds/babycots in a room is 1.
Deposit Policy: No deposit will be charged.
VAT and city/tourist taxes: VAT is included.
Service charge is included.
City/tourist tax is included.
Meal Plan: Buffet breakfast is not included and costs EUR 25.00 per person.
Pets: Pets are allowed on request. No extra charges.
Accepted credit cards: The hotel reserves the right to pre-authorise credit cards prior to arrival.
* American Express
* Visa
* Euro/Mastercard
* Diners Club
Hotel Chain: K+K Hotels,
Luxury otel,
14 Ocak 2009 Çarşamba
Schnell ist es passiert. Kein Geld um finanzielle Forderungen zu erfüllen, beispielsweise die Telefonrechnung. Das reicht aus und schon hat man einen negativen Eintrag in seiner SCHUFA-Akte. Die schufa (Schutzgemeinschaft für allgemeine Kreditsicherung) ist ein Kreditbüro, das von den Kreditgebern zum Beispiel Kreditinstituten, getragen wird. Ihr Ziel ist es Kreditgeber vor finanziellen Ausfällen zu bewahren, indem sie die Informationen sammelt, die für die Einschätzung der Kreditwürdigkeit von Personen von Belang sein könnenMit einem negativen Eintrag in die SCHUFA-Akte kann man meist bei inländischen Kreditinstituten keinen Kredit mehr erhalten. Die Lösung ist der so genannte "Schweizer Kredit". Hier wird ein Kredit auch trotz schufa gewährt. Das Kreditinstitut hat den Sitz in der Schweiz. Diese schufafreien Kredite werden über Vermittlungsfirmen vermittelt, und es wird keine Einsicht in die SCHUFA-Akte verlangt. Auch wer selbstständig arbeitet oder arbeitslos ist hat hier die Möglichkeit einen Kredit aufzunehmen, obwohl er nur in einem engen Rahmen sein Einkommen belegen könnte. Oftmals werden schufafreie ratenkredite in Anspruch genommen, die in monatlichen festgelegten Raten zurück bezahlt werden. Hier muss man allerdings im Normalfall mit höheren Zinsen rechnen, als es bei einem Kredit mit Einsicht in die SCHUFA-Akte der Fall wäre. Der Kreditgeber geht ein höheres Risiko ein und das spiegelt sich meist in den höheren Zinsen wider.Die Gründe weshalb man einen Kredit aufnehmen möchte sind vielseitig. Wichtig ist es für den Kreditnehmer jedoch, sich über seinen finanziellen Rahmen im Klaren zu sein. Er muss vorher genau prüfen, ob er in der Zukunft in der Lage sein wird, den aufgenommenen kredit auch wieder abzubezahlen. Ansonsten läuft man Gefahr, in noch größere finanzielle Probleme zu geraten, anstatt seine Probleme zu lösen. Ein gründlicher Vergleich zwischen Kreditangeboten ist also dringend anzuraten, damit nichts der Umsetzung seines Projekts im Wege steht.
WorkLight® for Financial Services
Today more than ever, financial services companies need to connect to their customers. Retail banks, credit card issuers, credit unions, and brokerage firms, all need to generate more business, lower the cost of doing business, instill customer confidence and trust, and exceed customer delivery expectations.
WorkLight for Financial Services allows companies, for the first time, to securely deliver to customers personalized account information, and balance and transaction updates via familiar consumer Web 2.0 tools and services; tools such as RSS feeds, widgets and gadgets, personalized homepages, iPhone apps, social networks, instant messaging, and more. Using these convenient means to deliver highly relevant, personalized information directly to customers, WorkLight obviates the need for consumers to log in to and navigate through complex customer web sites, thereby significantly enhancing the customer experience. The outcome is an increased number of transactions, reduced customer service costs, and an improvement in customer retention.
WorkLight delivers the following unique benefits to financial Institutions:
Acquire new customers with more success and lower cost – by connecting with customers via gadgets wherever they spend time, distribution costs are lower and conversion rates higher.
Drive more transactions – through an “always-on” approach, customers are much more likely to respond to account updates and alerts in a timely manner.
Facilitate online bill pay – through convenient “one-stop” gadgets, customers are more likely to pay bills through the bank or using their credit card.
Reduce customer costs – since more customer transactions are handled via self-service. Customers do not have to navigate to a portal, since the provider “appears” right where customers spend their time online.
With WorkLight, consumers reap the following benefits:
Save time and money – No need to repeatedly log in to, and navigate complex portals in order to manage financial accounts, issue payments, transfer funds, etc.
Reduce stress and anxiety associated with possible fraud– Report suspicious account activity immediately through secure, “always-on” gadgets.
Reduce financial liability – Reminders reduce missed payments and subsequent late charges. Tracking account activity helps spot suspicious account activity.
Take advantage of attractive promotions – Highly-relevant offers such as refinancing, credit card, investments, etc. let the firm provide superior service and potentially save the customer money.
WorkLight® for Financial
Money web
In een kort overzicht vind u hier de verschillende leenvormen. Voor de alle
duidelijkheid staan hier de verschillen in het kort opgesomd.RekenvoorbeeldDe
familie De Vries wil een lening aanvragen voor de verbouwing van de badkamer.
Voor deze verbouwing willen ze € 5000,00 lenen. De familie De Vries wil
zekerheid wat betreft de maandelijkse rente en wil tussentijds geen geld meer
opnemen. Ze kiezen daarom voor een persoonlijke lening.Jan en Anita willen meer
financiële bestedingsruimte. Tussentijds willen ze geld kunnen opnemen. Wanneer
er meer geld beschikbaar is, willen ze ook de mogelijkheid hebben om meer af te
lossen. Ze kiezen voor een doorlopend krediet.Lening vormenDoorlopend kredietWat
is een doorlopend krediet?Een doorlopend krediet is er om over langere periode
meer bestedingsruimte te hebben. U mag steeds geld opnemen tot aan de
kredietlimiet, maar u mag ook minder opnemen.Tussentijds mag er altijd zonder
boete worden afgelost. Dit krediet is handig wanneer u nog niet exact weet
hoeveel geld u nodig heeft of wanneer u het geld nodig heeft. U betaald elke
maand een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing.Voordelen:- Alleen rente betalen
over het opgenomen bedrag- Tussentijds extra geld aflossen (boetevrij)- Meestal
een eigen bankpasOversluiten van een doorlopend krediet:U heeft een lening of
misschien wel meerdere leningen lopen. Het is dan vaak voordeliger om uw huidige
krediet(en) over te sluiten. In plaats van verschillende afschriften, komt alles
dan op één handig overzicht.Tussentijds een extra krediet afsluiten:Wanneer u
geen achterstand hebt opgelopen met betalen en uw financiële situatie laat het
toe, is het mogelijk om een nieuwe lening af te sluiten voordat de vorige is
afgelopen. Een deel van het bedrag dat u leent, wordt dan gebruikt voor de
aflossing van de vorige overeenkomst(en).Verhogen doorlopend kredietHet kan
voorkomen dat naast uw doorlopend krediet nog behoefte is aan een extra
financiële reserve. U kunt er dan voor kiezen om het bestaande krediet open te
breken en vervolgens uw krediet te verhogen.Persoonlijke leningWat is een
persoonlijke leningBij de persoonlijke lening krijgt u in één keer de
beschikking over het geleende bedrag. Wanneer u een persoonlijke lening afsluit,
weet u precies wanneer de lening eindigt. U spreekt namelijk van tevoren een
looptijd af. Zo spreekt u bij een persoonlijk krediet eenmalig een leenbedrag en
een looptijd af. U krijgt dit bedrag in één keer op uw rekening gestort.
Vervolgens betaald u maandelijks een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing. In
tijden van rentestijgingen biedt een persoonlijk krediet u zekerheid, want uw
rente blijft ongewijzigd! Zo weet u precies waar u aan toe bent.Bent u van plan
een nieuwe auto of caravan te kopen? Of wordt het tijd voor nieuwe meubels?
Wellicht heeft u hiervoor gespaard, maar is het genoeg? Wanneer u extra geld
nodig heeft, maar graag overzicht houdt in uw financiën, is een persoonlijke
lening voor u een oplossing!Voordelen:- Uitbetaling direct ineens- Vast
rentepercentage- Vast maandbedrag- Vaste looptijdVaste renteWanneer de rente
stijgt is een persoonlijke lening ideaal. Mocht de rente stijgen, dan heeft dit
geen enkele invloed op de persoonlijke lening. Deze rente blijft
ongewijzigd.Stel u koopt een auto. Bij een persoonlijke lening spreekt u van
tevoren af wat de looptijd van de lening is. U kunt deze lening bijvoorbeeld
afstemmen op de levensduur van uw auto. Hierdoor voorkomt u dat de auto al is
afgeschreven, maar u nog steeds moet betalen aan uw persoonlijke
lening.SpaarkredietEen spaarkrediet is een doorlopend krediet, gekoppeld aan een
kapitaalverzekering.Doorgaans betaald u voor een doorlopend krediet maandelijks
een bedrag aan rente en aflossing. Bij een spaarkrediet betaald u echter alleen
rente, die wordt berekend over het bedrag dat u heeft opgenomen. Gedurende de
gehele looptijd kunt u tot uw kredietlimiet bedragen blijven opnemen.Daarnaast
betaald u een maandelijkse premie voor een kapitaalverzekering.Met deze
verzekering kunt u een kapitaal opbouwen om de lening af te lossen.Dit gebeurt
met een kapitaalverzekering bij een gerenommeerde verzekeringsmaatschappij. De
uitkering is gelijk aan de eindwaarde van de participaties en dus afhankelijk
van de koersontwikkeling.RentekredietEen rentekrediet is een leenvorm voor
particulieren die veel lijkt op een doorlopend krediet. Het grootste verschil is
dat men bij een rentekrediet niet verplicht wordt om maandelijks af te lossen.
Daardoor is het rentekrediet de leenvorm met de laagste maandlast. Deze leenvorm
wordt ook vaak gebruikt om geld achter de hand te hebben, zoals bij een
verbouwing of restauratie van bijvoorbeeld een oldtimer of ander duur
verzamelobject. De looptijd van een rentekrediet is in principe oneindig. U lost
immers niets af en betaald alleen rente. Ingezetenen van Nederland van 18 tot 65
jaar met een vast inkomen, wat niet mag bestaan uit een uitkering van de sociale
dienst of de WW, kunnen in aanmerking komen voor een rentekrediet.
Schnell ist es passiert. Kein Geld um finanzielle Forderungen zu erfüllen,
beispielsweise die Telefonrechnung. Das reicht aus und schon hat man einen
negativen Eintrag in seiner SCHUFA-Akte. Die schufa (Schutzgemeinschaft für
allgemeine Kreditsicherung) ist ein Kreditbüro, das von den Kreditgebern zum
Beispiel Kreditinstituten, getragen wird. Ihr Ziel ist es Kreditgeber vor
finanziellen Ausfällen zu bewahren, indem sie die Informationen sammelt, die für
die Einschätzung der Kreditwürdigkeit von Personen von Belang sein könnenMit
einem negativen Eintrag in die SCHUFA-Akte kann man meist bei inländischen
Kreditinstituten keinen Kredit mehr erhalten. Die Lösung ist der so genannte
"Schweizer Kredit". Hier wird ein Kredit auch trotz schufa gewährt. Das
Kreditinstitut hat den Sitz in der Schweiz. Diese schufafreien Kredite werden
über Vermittlungsfirmen vermittelt, und es wird keine Einsicht in die
SCHUFA-Akte verlangt. Auch wer selbstständig arbeitet oder arbeitslos ist hat
hier die Möglichkeit einen Kredit aufzunehmen, obwohl er nur in einem engen
Rahmen sein Einkommen belegen könnte. Oftmals werden schufafreie ratenkredite in
Anspruch genommen, die in monatlichen festgelegten Raten zurück bezahlt werden.
Hier muss man allerdings im Normalfall mit höheren Zinsen rechnen, als es bei
einem Kredit mit Einsicht in die SCHUFA-Akte der Fall wäre. Der Kreditgeber geht
ein höheres Risiko ein und das spiegelt sich meist in den höheren Zinsen
wider.Die Gründe weshalb man einen Kredit aufnehmen möchte sind vielseitig.
Wichtig ist es für den Kreditnehmer jedoch, sich über seinen finanziellen Rahmen
im Klaren zu sein. Er muss vorher genau prüfen, ob er in der Zukunft in der Lage
sein wird, den aufgenommenen kredit auch wieder abzubezahlen. Ansonsten läuft
man Gefahr, in noch größere finanzielle Probleme zu geraten, anstatt seine
Probleme zu lösen. Ein gründlicher Vergleich zwischen Kreditangeboten ist also
dringend anzuraten, damit nichts der Umsetzung seines Projekts im Wege
13 Ocak 2009 Salı
Orfila HotelMadrid
Hotel Orfila was opened in 1999 and it's located in Orfila Street (Alonso Martinez District), in a 19th Century mansion in the very centre of Madrid. Hotel Orfila is situated in a calm and selected residential area, in the cultural and business centre next to the famous Colon Square. This emblematic palace was home of an upper middle class family and hosted many theatre plays and performances.
Hotel Orfila has 32 rooms. It stands up because of its tasteful decoration, with époque furniture, painted wallpapers, bronze banisters and polychrome painted marble floors. It is the only hotel where decoration and distribution are different in every room. Furniture comes directly from many European countries.
Hotel Orfila is part of the select elite of Madrid luxury hotels. It is member of Relais Chateaux Association, one of the world's most prestigious hotel associations of the world and it was selected as "Most Execelent Charming Hotel" by Conde Nast Johanssen.
Meeting rooms: The three meeting rooms "Tragaluz", "Mirador" and "Laurel", with direct access to the garden, are perfect to organize your work meetings, receptions, meals, conferences and all kind of events
12 Ocak 2009 Pazartesi

11 Ocak 2009 Pazar
Analytik Jena brings an innovation on the market — the contrAA® series — which exceeds the performance of conventional AA spectrometers in all parameters.
This new technology — High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS — represents previously unattained effectiveness
and quality of measurement results. Following decades of experience in the development of spectrometers and graphite furnaces and in cooperation with partners from leading research institutes, a vision becomes reality — the start of a new generation in AAS, with the contrAA® series, which finally closes the gap between ICP OES and AAS.
High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS (HR-CS AAS) covers the complete spectral range from the near vacuum-UV to the near infrared with a single continuum source, providing innovative capabilities. For the first time, genuine sequential multi-element analysis is implemented in AAS without the need for a multitude of different light sources.
At first glance:
* Maximum versatility and flexibility
* Guaranteed stability
Improved accuracy
Maximum information content
Speed for higher efficiency
New level of performance
Fast sequential multi-element determination for flame AAS
Simultaneous background correction
Full post processing of measurement (FPP)
Unique Flexibility
The xenon short-arc lamp as a continuum source is ideal for any element to be analyzed. No matter how frequently or seldom you have to determine an element, the HR-CS AAS instrument is immediately ready for measurement. You have every freedom for line selection, as the source covers the entire continuous wavelength range. All absorbing atom lines are immediately available, irrespective of the emission properties of the HCL (such as windows transmissive to UV or visible radiation). In addition, several new types of lines can be used for analysis.
Immediate Readiness for Measurement
The immediate readiness for measurement provided by HR-CS AAS is due to the fact that the lamp needs no fixed warm-up time to avoid output drift. Innovative correction algorithms continuously compensate any drift or fluctuation of the spectrometer including the source.
Improved Performance
HR-CS AAS features an improved signal-to-noise ratio and markedly better detection limits. This is due to the higher radiation density of the Xe continuum source compared to HCLs, and the enormously increased quantum efficiency of a CCD semiconductor detector compared to the photomultiplier tube commonly used in line-source AAS (LS AAS). HR-CS AAS is the first technique that c an efficiently correct spectral interferences in flame AAS by structured flames or molecule structures. This provides improved simultaneous background correction, and capabilities to correct spectral interferences to increase the accuracy of analytical results
10 Ocak 2009 Cumartesi
Since AMF revolutionized the modern sport of bowling with the first installations of the automatic pinspotter in the early 1950’s, investors in over 90 countries have depended on AMF, and now QubicaAMF, for the highest quality bowling equipment. AMF was the first company in the industry to market pinspotters, automatic scoring, Surlyn coated bowling pins, urethane reactive bowling balls and bumpers. In 2005, it made perfect sense to create the industry’s premier product line by merging with Qubica, the industry leader in scoring, entertainment and bowling management software. QubicaAMF continues this long history of innovation by staffing the largest R&D team in the industry with the goal of raising the revenuegenerating ability of our customers. Opening a center takes 12 to 24 months. This includes all stages, from the business plan to the grand opening. Eight months between the start of construction and the grand opening is typical. The bowling equipment installation takes only 1-1 1/2 days per lane. Start your center with the most experienced partner in the business. A partner who will stand by you all the way.
9 Ocak 2009 Cuma
Samsung's Capella Bluetooth earpiece invades CES
Samsung swept into CES this year like an alien invasion. Tucked away beneath its awards, massive booth presence, and disrupter blast of products is this sexy Bluetooth earpiece. The Capella (shown tucked inside the receiver) is meant to be worn as a fashion accessory. Hey, that's what they say. And at the risk of being juiced by a Martian, well, we're not going to argue.
bluetooth headset,
CES 2009,
Ford teases the future of Sync, plans to bring disembodied heads to dashboards everywhere
There's plenty of automotive tech on display at CES this year (amps and kickers for miles, dawg) and, while Microsoft is talking up its enhanced Sync for 2010 autos, Ford President and CEO Alan Mulally took an opportunity to direct our gaze a bit further down the road with an interesting demo of what he imagines the rear-view mirror of the future will look like. Ford calls it Emotic Voice Activation, or EVA, basically an integrated AI that can read you your e-mail, check the news, and even, apparently, detect what kind of tunes you're in the mood for. At this point we don't know anything about when or even if this sort of thing will be available in the real world, but, based on the video, we expect EVA to become standard equipment roughly when steering wheels lose their spokes and people actually start pulling over to check their e-mail. Soothing video below.
7 Ocak 2009 Çarşamba
Hilton Miami Downtown
Guest Accommodations
The hotel has just completed a multi-million dollar
renovation of all guestrooms and baths; they are tastefully decorated and offer
a variety of views.
Your well appointed accommodations at the Hilton Miami
Downtown include:
The Serenity Bed Collection®
Individual thermostats in
each room offering air conditioning and heat
Easy Set Hilton Alarm Clock
Radio with MP3 connection
A 27'' television
Pay Per View Movies
cable with HBO, CNN, ESPN, Fox Sports
Work desk with adjustable lamp and desk
level outlets
LaVazza Coffee Maker
Complimentary USA Today® (M-F)
Two-line phones with voicemail
Black out draperies
High-speed internet access
For a small additional fee, many of the
rooms offer stunning views through ceiling to floor windows of downtown Miami,
Biscayne Bay and the Port of Miami. These views are especially amazing at night.
The new baths include the Serenity Bath which features Crabtree &
Evelyn® La Source bath amenities.
Features & Highlights
Although the simple, uncluttered 'look' is still with us the stark minimalist style has been replaced by a more comfortable, homely appearance. The move towards 'handleless' kitchens with their sleek 'no knob's convenience is gaining in popuarity.
Strong colours have taken over from muted colours: black with burgundy, for example, make a stunning combination in the Spot 188 featured at the top of this page. Small kitchens can also use strong colours successfully. One particularly good combination is white for the walls and cabinets and black granite for the worktops.
Metallic effects are now prominent. The grey aluminium 'look' goes well with rich reds as in the Star 275 where it partners silver maple in the cabinets.
Although woods of silver maple go well with metallic effects gloss white cabinets partner well with rosewood as exemplified in Studio 46R. Indeed, it is the mix of colours and textures which is so exciting. The Superstar 45R/451 bring together gloss white and Rosewood cabinets in the same kitchen.
Dark woods like walnut and teak feature in this year's Nolte kitchens. The 'industrial look' which has in the past made many German kitchens hard and 'masculine' with little or no accenting with curves or soft outlines has given way to the feminine touch as in the Lago 31A with its curved 'island' sink and preparation unit.
The overwhelming Kitchen Design Trend in 2009 is expected to be the continued popularity of mixing colours, textures, and materials whilst softening outlines with curves; but not sacrificing the sleek look for fussiness, embellishment or unecessary adornment. The modern practical, ergonomic kitchen is here to stay, very much the centre still for all household activities in spite of the comeback of the dining room in avante garde households." an Interior Designer.
For Interior Design Trends 2007 - a discussion of how antiques may be mixed with modern designs - look in here at Wildwood Antiques
Strong colours have taken over from muted colours: black with burgundy, for example, make a stunning combination in the Spot 188 featured at the top of this page. Small kitchens can also use strong colours successfully. One particularly good combination is white for the walls and cabinets and black granite for the worktops.
Metallic effects are now prominent. The grey aluminium 'look' goes well with rich reds as in the Star 275 where it partners silver maple in the cabinets.
Although woods of silver maple go well with metallic effects gloss white cabinets partner well with rosewood as exemplified in Studio 46R. Indeed, it is the mix of colours and textures which is so exciting. The Superstar 45R/451 bring together gloss white and Rosewood cabinets in the same kitchen.
Dark woods like walnut and teak feature in this year's Nolte kitchens. The 'industrial look' which has in the past made many German kitchens hard and 'masculine' with little or no accenting with curves or soft outlines has given way to the feminine touch as in the Lago 31A with its curved 'island' sink and preparation unit.
The overwhelming Kitchen Design Trend in 2009 is expected to be the continued popularity of mixing colours, textures, and materials whilst softening outlines with curves; but not sacrificing the sleek look for fussiness, embellishment or unecessary adornment. The modern practical, ergonomic kitchen is here to stay, very much the centre still for all household activities in spite of the comeback of the dining room in avante garde households." an Interior Designer.
For Interior Design Trends 2007 - a discussion of how antiques may be mixed with modern designs - look in here at Wildwood Antiques
home desingns,
Interior Design Trends 2007,
Huntron Scanners
Add Scanning Capabilites to Your Huntron Tracker Model 30 System
Adding a Huntron® Scanner to your Tracker Model 30 system lets you access components using standard DIP clips and cables, custom cables to PCB connectors or interface to a bed-of-nails.You can compare one component with another in real-time (64 pins max.) or use your PC to automate testing and scan up to 128 pins.Huntron Scanners can be used with a Huntron Access Prober to provide Common line connections while the Prober is probing a PCB. This method gives you up to 128 selectable Commons to use. For example, you can connect the Scanner to a connector on a PCB mounted in the Prober using a common ribbon style cable. While the Prober is probing, any one of the lines on the connected ribbon cable can be selected as the Common reference. This would provide you true point-to-point testing capabilities.Note: The ProTrack Scanner will be replaced by the Scanner II and/or the Scanner 31S effective 1/1/2008. This applies to commercial sales only.Scanner II and Scaner 31S users may want to consider these Optional Accessories to enhance their test capabilities.
The Scanner II and Scanner 31S accessories add scanning capability to the Tracker Model 30
All Scanners have a minimum 64 pin capability
The Scanner II can scan up to 128 pins when the A and B channels are combined
The Scanner 31S use standard IDC style connectors
The Scanner II uses the common SCSI-2 (68 pin) style connectors
Up to 8 Scanner IIs can be “daisy-chained” to increase the available number of test pins
Selecting Accessories for your Scanner IIThe Scanner II accessories for interfacing to your printed circuit board come "ala carte". This means that you select the accessories you want included with your Scanner. Choose from SMT or through-hole style DIP clip and cable kits (Scanner Adapter required with Scanner II) or a mutli-pin breakout cable. Details on these
Huntron Scanners
Add Scanning Capabilites to Your Huntron Tracker Model 30 System
Adding a Huntron® Scanner to your Tracker Model 30 system lets you access components using standard DIP clips and cables, custom cables to PCB connectors or interface to a bed-of-nails.You can compare one component with another in real-time (64 pins max.) or use your PC to automate testing and scan up to 128 pins.Huntron Scanners can be used with a Huntron Access Prober to provide Common line connections while the Prober is probing a PCB. This method gives you up to 128 selectable Commons to use. For example, you can connect the Scanner to a connector on a PCB mounted in the Prober using a common ribbon style cable. While the Prober is probing, any one of the lines on the connected ribbon cable can be selected as the Common reference. This would provide you true point-to-point testing capabilities.Note: The ProTrack Scanner will be replaced by the Scanner II and/or the Scanner 31S effective 1/1/2008. This applies to commercial sales only.Scanner II and Scaner 31S users may want to consider these Optional Accessories to enhance their test capabilities.
The Scanner II and Scanner 31S accessories add scanning capability to the Tracker Model 30
All Scanners have a minimum 64 pin capability
The Scanner II can scan up to 128 pins when the A and B channels are combined
The Scanner 31S use standard IDC style connectors
The Scanner II uses the common SCSI-2 (68 pin) style connectors
Up to 8 Scanner IIs can be “daisy-chained” to increase the available number of test pins
Selecting Accessories for your Scanner IIThe Scanner II accessories for interfacing to your printed circuit board come "ala carte". This means that you select the accessories you want included with your Scanner. Choose from SMT or through-hole style DIP clip and cable kits (Scanner Adapter required with Scanner II) or a mutli-pin breakout cable. Details on these accessories are provided on this page.
accessories are provided on this page.
Linux, comandos básicos de redes
Comandos básicos de redes en Linux
Cambiar de un sistema operativo a otro siempre es un poco lioso, a parte de porque tenemos que adaptarnos a una nueva filosofía porque en un primer momento desconocemos como funcionan muchas de las cosas de este nuevo SO.
Si sois lectores habituales sabréis que no hace mucho cambié de sistema operativo, de Windows XP a linux (Kubuntu 8.04 y posteriormente a Kubuntu 8.10). Como es lógico soy un novato aún, por ese motivo esta hoja puede ayudar a muchos que como yo se encuentren en la misma situación.
Hoy los que os proponemos es una lista de comandos básicos de redes en Linux.
Para ejecutarlos tan sólo debemos abrir una ventana de terminal y escribir:
Sirve par verificar la respuesta de nuestro host (máquina) en la red. ¿Seguís igual? Bueno lo explicaremos de una forma más sencilla.
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comandos básicos de redes,
Laptop LCD Ekranını Kendiniz Değiştirin
Bu döküman sadece bilgi amaçlı sunulmuştur ve kullanıcının buradaki yönergeleri uygulayarak herhangi bir zarara uğramasından forumumuz sorumlu tutulamaz. Kullanıcı bu yönergeleri tamamen kendi iradesi altında uygulamalıdır.Lütfen profesyonel yardım alınız. Bu döküman tüm modellere uygulanamaz.
Her model kendine özgü tasarıma ve vida yerlerine sahiptir.
Gerekli araçlar: Yıldız Tornavida, Vidaları ve yapışkan etiketleri saklamak için bir kutu.
Vida sökme:
Genellikle ekranı kaplayan çerçeveyi tutan dört vida bulunmaktadır. Bu vidalar, estetik görünebilmesi için plastik çerçevenin renginde yapışkan etiketlerle üzeri kapatılmıştır. Bu yapışkanları tespit edip nazikçe kaldırın. Bu yapışkanları kutuda muhafaza edin. Sonra 4 vidayı yıldız tornavidayı kullanarak sökün. Bunları da kutuda saklayın.
Çerçeveyi çıkartma:
Vidaları söktükten sonra ekran çerçevesini ekrandan ayırmaya çalışın. Örnek olarak resim çerçevelerini düşünün. Notebook'un LCD panelini çerçevenin içerisindeki fotoğraf gibi farzedin. Fotoğrafı resim çerçevesinden çıkarırken uyguladığınızı burada da uygulayabilirsiniz. Çerçeveyi ayırmak için elinizi kullanın. Eğer çerçevenin yapıştırılmış olduğunu hissederseniz nazikçe hareket etmelisiniz. Çerçeveyi yavaşça adım adım çıkarın. Çok hassas davranarak yavaşya ayırmaya çalışın. Sony ve Apple gibi bazı markaların birtakım modellerinde çerçeve yapıştırılmış olduğu için sökmek hayli zordur.
1-Vida saklama etiketleri
3-Ekran Çerçevesi
4-LCD panel
6-Üst kapak
7-LCD Esnek Data Kablosu
Inverter'ı ve LCD paneli çıkarın:
Ekranı menteşelerle tutan dört kenardaki vidaları bulun ve bunları yıldız tornavida kullanarak sökün. Ekrandan gelen ve LCD inverter kartına giden 2'li kalın (yüksek voltaj) kabloyu bulun. (Inverter genellikle LCD ekranın alt tarafında küçük transformatöre benzeyen dikdörtgen bir karttır). Genellikle pembe ve beyaz kablodurlar. Bulması gayet kolaydır. Bunlar LCD'nin floresan kablosudur. Bunları inverter'dan çıkarınız. Son kalan bağlantı ise bilgi
1-inverter konnektör
2-Alt flex-kablo konnektör
3-Çekme bandı
Data kablosunu sökün:
Bu kablonun görevi datayı LCD'yi taşımaktır. Bu kablo 10 ile 40 adet arasında pin bağlantısı olan esnek bir kablodur. Bu kabloyu ekrana bağlantı kısmındaki konnektörün her iki tarafına eşit bir itme ile dikkatlice sökün. Bazı data kablolarında çekme bandı vardır. Eğer itina edilmezse pinlerin eğilmesi mümkün olabilir.
1-display panel konnector
2-Çekme bandı
3-Üst flex-kablo konnektör
Yeni LCD panelin takılması:
Yeni ekranın takılması için buradaki yönergeleri ters sıra ile takip ederek tekrar uygulayınız.
Son olarak LCD panelin arka tarafında LCD part number (model numarasını) görebilirsiniz. Genellikle bilinen markalar ekranın arkasında sol sütunda bu bilgiyi verirler. Bu model numarasını bize bildirerek de LCD panel satın alabilirsiniz.
Ekran Çözünürlük Tablosu:
XGA 1024 x 768
WXGA 1280 x 800
WXGA+ 1440 x 900
SXGA 1280 x 1024
SXGA+ 1400 x 1050
WSXGA 1280 x 854
WSXGA+ 1680 x 1050
UXGA 1600 x 1200
WUXGA 1920 x 1200
Kendiniz Değiştirin,
laptop nasıl sökülür,
Beijing Xiyuan Hotel
Beijing Xiyuan Hotel (Xiyuan fandian) is managed by the Cathay International hotel group. Strong business leadership begins with your choice of the internationally managed Xiyuan Hotel - conveniently located near Beijing's new financial district.
It is in an excellent location and easily accessible. It takes only 15 minutes to drive to the downtown area and the hotel is only 36 km from the Capital Airport.
The hotel is adjacent to Beijing Zoo, Beijing Exhibition Hall, China Import and Export Negotiation Mansion and the financial district.
Rooms and Rates
Xiyuan Hotel Beijing -- Discount Hotel Booking In ChinaEach of the 613 rooms and 94 suites offer the highest levels of comfort. Thoughtfully designed and tastefully decorated, the accommodation provides a unique combination of the latest facilities and a homely ambience.a
Each room is equipped with IDD telephone, in-room safe, individually controlled air-conditioning, color TV with local and satellite channels, radio, bedside control panel, refrigerator and mini-bar.
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic yakında Türkiye'de
Nokia'nın dokunmatik ekranlı ilk müzik telefonu, çok yakında Türkiye pazarında da satılmaya başlanacak. Nokia 5800 XpressMusic'i almak isteyenler, "" adresine kayıt yaptırarak, sürpriz hediyeler kazanma şansı yakalayacaklar. Yapmanız gereken tek şey, adresini ziyaret ederek, hem cihaz hakkında güncel bilgilere ulaşmak, hem de cihazın fiyatını ve satılacağı mağazaları öğrenmek için sitedeki formu doldurmak.
Yurtdışında kısa süre önce satışa sunulan ve büyük beğeni toplayan Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, yüksek bellek kapasitesi, güçlü hoparlörleri ve kolay senkronizasyon yeteneğini dokunmatik teknolojisiyle birleştirerek kullanıcılara diledikleri müziği diledikleri şekilde dinleme olanağı tanıyor. Cihaz, tek bir dokunuşla Share on Ovi, Flickr ya da Facebook gibi online topluluklar üzerinden fotoğraf ve video paylaşma imkanı vermekle kalmıyor; Flash desteğiyle, kullanıcılara, internet üzerinde diledikleri tüm sitelerde "sörf" yapma becerisi de kazandırıyor.
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, farklı kullanım şekillerine hitap etmek üzere, alfanümerik tuş takımı, sanal bilgisayar tarzında QWERTY klavye, elektronik kalem ve pena ile birlikte sunuluyor.
Asus klavye içerisine koca PC'yi sığdırdı
Klavye gibi durduğuna bakmayın, o aslında gerçek bir bilgisayar. İşte karşınızda Asus'un yeni Eee'si
Asus'un CES 2009 fuarında tanıtmaya hazırlandığı Eee Keyboard, görünüş olarak bir klavyeyi andırsa da aslında çok daha fazlasını sunuyor. Eee Keyboard, üzerinde küçük bir dokunmatik ekran da bulunan gerçek bir PC...
İşlemci ya da bellek gibi teknik özellikleri henüz belli olmayan cihazın en önemli artısı, kablosuz HDMI desteği sunması. Eee Keyboard, bu sayede uyumlu bir televizyonu da rahatlıkla monitör olarak kullanabiliyor. Bunun anlamı ise, cihazın bir multimedya PC olarak rahatlıkla kullanılabileceği...
Cihazın sağ kısmında küçük bir de dokunmatik LCD ekran bulunuyor. Dileyenler bu ekranı ikinci görüntü birimi olarak kullanabiliyor. Çift USB girişi, 1 FireWire girişi ve 1 de VGA portu, Eee Keyboard'ın bilinen diğer özellikleri.
Asus henüz Eee Keyboard'un ne zaman ve hangi fiyatla satışa sunulacağından bahsetmedi. Ama yarın başlayacak olan CES 2009'da tüm sorular cevaplarını bulabilir...
CES 2009,
dokunmatik LCD ekran,
kablosuz HDMI,
multimedya PC,
Kaspersky: En iyi sezgisel virus tarayıcı
Kaspersky, AV-Comparatives'in testinde çok büyük bir başarıya imzasını attı...
Moskova merkezli yazılım şirketi Kaspersky Lab, Avusturyalı denetim laboratuvarı AV-Comparatives'in retrospective/proactive olarak yaptığı testlerin en son sonuçlarını duyurdu. Kaspersky Lab pro aktif teknolojisiyle, AV-Comparative'in retrospective/proactive testlerinde kötü amaçlı programların tespitinde en iyi sonuçlarını elde ederek 14 rakip ürün arasında birinci oldu.
Ağustos 2008'de Türkiye'de lanse edilen Kaspersky Anti-Virüs 2009 yazılımı, Kasım test sonuçlarında diğer çözümlerden üstün kötü amaçlı program tespit etme seviyeleri gösterdi. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 %71 koruma sağlarak, diğer çözümleri geçti. (Symantec (44%), McAfee (29%), ESET (51%), F-Secure (9%), Sophos (26%) ve BitDefender (46%).)
Kaspersky Lab'in Araştırma ve Geliştirme Başkan Yardımcısı Nikolay Grebennikov, "Test sonuçları gösteriyor ki, ürünümüzün anti-virüs veritabanı kullanıcı tarafından bir ay boyunca güncellenmese de, hatta nerdeyse tüm koruma fonksiyonları kapatılsa bile, Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 yazılımı hala kötü amaçlı programların %60'ını tespit edip, onları blok etme kabiliyetine sahiptir. Üstelik, AV-Comparatives testinde en yeni fonksiyonumuzu – bilinmeyen kötü amaçlı programların tespit edilmesi seviyesini katlarca yükselten özel kontrol modülümüz –test edilmemesine rağmen bu sonuçları elde edebildik. Önemli bir not olarak, Kaspersky Lab ürünlerinin gerçek yaşamda tüm entegre katmanlı koruma fonksiyonları bir arada çalıştığında bilgisayarın korunma seviyesini çok daha yükseltiyor. Bu da güncel BT tehditlerine karşı nerdeyse yüzde yüz koruma sağlayabileceğimizi garanti ediyor." dedi.
Freescale Eyes Cheap Linux Netbooks With New Chip Design
Freescale's new i.MX515 processor is built for netbooks -- low-cost Linux netbooks, specifically. Working with organizations like Pegatron, Freescale has drawn up a reference design for OEMs that ties in its processor, Ubuntu Linux and Adobe Flash Lite to create a netbook that could retail for as low as $200.
How MIDs Are Complicating Mobile Linux Development
Mobile Internet devices are gaining in popularity, and manufacturers have increasingly chosen Linux as the operating system best suited for the device type. As the market segment begins to differentiate, developers should look to solutions that allow for more flexible development, writes Jason Whitmire of Wind River.
How MIDs Are,
İlk Linux tabanlı 3G cep telefonu,
6 Ocak 2009 Salı
Op amp makes precise 9V-battery splitter
Op amp makes precise 9V-battery splitter
Alkaline 9V batteries are ideal for many portable, handheld applications, because they have 650 mAhrs of capacity, operate as low as approximately 6V at the end of their lives, and are available everywhere. The trouble starts when you want to power 5V analog parts, and you need a true swing from ground to 5V. Although many op amps advertise single-supply operation, many only swing 100 mV or so to ground on the output. To generate a negative bias usually requires that you use a negative voltage converter, such as an ICL7660 charge pump
5 Ocak 2009 Pazartesi
Nano ve uzay teknolojili yataklar
Yatak deyip geçmeyin, ambulans çağıranı var.
İnsan ömrünün üçte biri uykuda geçiyor. Gece terlemeden uyumak, sabah bel ve sırt ağrısız kalkmak çok önemli. Üreticiler, bunu sağlamak için nano ve uzay teknolojilerini yatak üretimine soktu.
Kişinin uykuda nefesi durması halinde ambulans çağıran 50 bin dolarlık yataklardan yıllarca lavanta kokana, masaj yapandan astronotlara özel üretilen ürünlerin kullanıldığı yataklara kadar pek çok çeşit tüketicilere sunuluyor
Dolaşıma yararlı
Türkiye yatak pazarına son giren oyunculardan biri de Samina. Şirketin verdiği bilgiye göre Karşı Yaylanma Sistemine sahip yatakları yapısındaki aktif, iki yönlü ve karşı yaylanma etkisiyle tüm uyku pozisyonlarında, belkemiği gibi vücudun önemli bölgeleri rahatlıyor. Çeşitli yaralar ve miyoskleroz gibi dolaşım bozukluklarını önlüyor. Doğal kauçuk yataklar, radyasyon korumalı şilteleriyle farklı aksesuarlara da sahip.
Toz böceklerini önlüyor
Yataş Anti-Stress serisinin, gün içerisinde vücutta biriken statik elektriği ve buna bağlı oluşan strese iyi geldiği belirtiliyor. Bu seride kişiye özel olarak üretilen beş farklı teknolojide yatak var. Serideki tüm yataklar toz böcekleri oluşumunu önleyip, anti alerjik ve hijyenik koruma sağlıyor. Ayrıca kötü kokuları da engelliyor.
Astronot yatağı gibi
NASA tarafından astronotların uzay yolculuklarında maruz kaldığı basınçla başa çıkmak için geliştirilen viskoelastik teknolojisi normal yatak üretiminde de kullanılıyor. Etkiye minimum tepki veren malzeme basıncı azaltıyor. İşbir Yatak daviskoelastik üretimine başladı.
Bu teknolojiyi kullanan Yataş’ın Cosmo-Lux Visco yatakları da vücut ısısı ile vücudu tanıyıp tüm kıvrımlarını doldurarak omuriliğin en iyi şekilde dinlenmesini sağlıyor.
Hassas antialerjik sistem
Alfemo Sleeper Active Baby serisinde olası alerji problemlerine karşı, anti bakteriyel ve antialerjik silikon elyaf ile donatılmış. Ürün, ortopedik bonel yay ve yüksek yoğunlukta sünger özellikleriyle bebeklerin omurgasını destekliyor.
Horlamayı azaltan yastık
Uyku deyince akla gelen diğer ürünler de yastık ve yorgan. Yatağın en büyük tamamlayıcılarından biri olan yastıklar sayesinde horlama kabusundan kurtulabilirsiniz. Yataş yetkililerinin verdiği bilgiye göre Hollofil Ergo 3 Plus yastıklar, horlamayı yüzde 77, boyun ağrılarını yüzde 85 oranında azaltıyor.
Sıcaklık ayarı yorganın işi
Yataş Climarelle yorgan ve yastıklar içlerinde bulunan mikro-kapsüller sayesinde; soğuk ortamlarda vücut sıcaklığını korurken, terleme durumunda vücudu serin tutarak kişiye özel ideal uyku ortamı sağlıyor.
Spa hizmeti sunuyor, masaj yapıyor
İşbir yatak, "doğal viskoelastik" ile doğa dostu akıllı yatak Viscostar Nature'yi Ar-Ge çalışmalarıyla yeniden yorumladı. Şirketten verilen bilgiye göre Viscostar Nature Massage, 8 noktadan etkili, programlanabilir kumandalı ve titreşimili masaj sistemiyle yorgunluğun atılmasını sağlıyor. İşbir ayrıca stres alan ve denizyosunu özleriyle cildi besleyen Seacell Wellness Anti Stress yatakları ile de Spa etkisi sağlıyor.
Multiflex yay sistemi ile üretilen Bellona Ergo Pedic yataklar ise, vücuda üç bölgeden suni masaj etkisi yaparak kan dolaşımını hızlandırıyor. Verilen bilgiye göre yatakların kumaşı ve dolgu malzemeleri alevlenmeyi önleyen flaret özellliğine sahip. Şirket yetkilileri ped katmanı sayesinde yatağın her iki tarafının da kullanıldığını belirtti.
Nefes durduğunda harekete geçen 50 bin dolarlık ‘yıldızlı gece yatağı’
Amerikalı Leggett&Platt’ın geliştirdiği ve bu yıl pazara sunulacak akıllı yatak, hareketi algılayan sensörleri sayesinde horlamaya son veriyor.
Verilen bilgiye göre horlama sırasında, yatağın baş kısmı 7 derece yükselerek solunum yollarını rahatlatıyor. Adı "Yıldızlı Gece Yatağı", olan ve 50 bin dolar olan bu yatak, kişinin nefes alıp vermesi durduğu takdirde, yerleşik bilgisayar sistemiyle eve ambulans çağırabiliyor. Dijital beyin ve internet bağlatısına sahip olan teknolojik yatak vücut haraketlerini izleyerek bilgileri sistemine kaydediyor.
Çevresine yerleştirilen ışıklar gece yataktan kalkıldığı anda otomatik yanıyor. Yatağın başlığı, "bilgi sistemi" içeriyor. Bu sistem, 400 bin şarkı ya da 2 bin saatlik video kaydedebilme kapasitesine sahip. Hoparlör sistemine sahip yatağın başlığında bulunan projeksiyon makinasıyla film de izlenebiliyor.
Lavanta kokulu yatak
Türkiye'de ilk kez özel tasarlanmış ve uygulanmış kırmızı örgü kumaşıyla alışılmış yataklardan farklı olan Doğtaş Lovely yatak, "smellwell" özelliği ve kapsülleri sayesinde uzun süre ferahlık hissi veren güzel kokuya sahip.
Şirket yetkililerinin verdiği bilgiye göre anti-mosquito özelliği sayesinde sivrisinek kovucu etkiye sahip olan yatak, göze görünmeyen bir cibinlikle kaplanarak hijyen avantajı sağlıyor. İlk kaz tüyü yatağı üreten Doğtaş'ın Luxus adını verdiği yataklar ayrıca kashmira kumaş, antistress, sivrisinek kovucu ve antibakteriyel olma özelliklerini de sahip.
Ayrıca İşbir firmasının, nanoteknoloji kullanarak yatak kumaşı içine yerleştirdiği milyarlarca koku zerreciğiyle ortama lavanta kokusu yayan yatakları bulunuyor. Kumaşlar yıkanmadığı takdirde koku, 3 yıl tazeliğini koruyor.
Nano yatakla buluştu
Türkiye'de nano teknoloji ile üretilen ilk yatak olan Alfemo Sleeper Nanotech, bakteri ve mikrop barındırmıyor. Firmadan verilen bilgiye göre yatak aynı zamanda koku oluşumunu da engelliyor. Uzun süreli ve kalıcı bir hijyen sağlayan yataklar aynı zamanda çevre dostu olarak tanımlanıyor. Bu yataklar geç tutuşurluk (Ecofarm) özelliğine de sahip.
Şirket yetkililerine göre full ortopedik yapısıyla omurga dostu olan yataklar Türkiye'de ilk kez kullanılan Nanotech özelliği sayesinde kesintisiz ve sağlıklı uykuya olanak tanıyor.
Gece stresini yokediyor
Gün içinde sürekli elektrikli alanlarda çalışmak ve elektronik cihazlarla etkileşmek vücutta statik elektrik ve stres biriktiriyor. Statik elektrik ve ona bağlı stres birikimi uyku bölünmesi ve sabah yorgunluğuna neden oluyor.
Alfemo yetkilileri ürettikleri Sleeper Antistatic yataklarla, gece stresinin engellenmesine çalıştıklarını söyledi. Yetkililerin verdiği bilgiye göre tam ortopedik ve anatomik olan yataklarda bulunan Double Visco özelliği, yatağın vücudun tam şeklini almasını sağlıyor. Bununla birlikte kemiklere, kaslara ve kan damarlarına binen basıncın azalmasına da yardımcı oluyor.
Kayıtlar (Atom)