2 Şubat 2009 Pazartesi


Barack Obama’s picks

Barack Obama’s picks for cabinet and other senior posts are many things: centrists, veterans, rivals. Most of all, though, they’re big: Big names, big intellects, and big egos.The president-elect’s national security and economic policy teams, inside the White House and out, will be led by power politics veterans, all but one of them older than the president-elect, and all accustomed to being the most important voice in the room.
While official announcements and Senate confirmations await, it appears that on national security decisions, Obama will have a team of heavyweights: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Vice President Joe Biden, retired four-star Marine general Jim Jones as his National Security Adviser, and four-star General David Petraeus as chief of U.S. Central Command.His economic team is of similar stature: new Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will find his rival for the job, Larry Summers, in the White House, while former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker will also be in the mix as head of a new economic recovery advisory board.White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel seems unlikely to be shy about his views in either arena.What's most important about that list is just how damn qualified everyone is. Not a political hack or pushover among them.
(Well, other than Petraeus, who still leaves me wondering if he's anything more than a yes-man for whichever politician he's currently trying to curry favor with.) Our government is back in the hands of the adults. Of people who prefer to actually put country first, rather than simply bragging about it but never actually following through.
Hire our Wall Street and City bankers! Let them work their magic on the Shanghai market, which is down over 60% from its 52 week high. Please, take them all before they strike again in our markets.
Officials from Shanghai, China's financial hub, will travel to the United States and Europe next month on a recruiting mission, potentially offering jobs to fund managers, policy analysts and others left jobless by the financial crisis.Wu Jianrong, deputy director of the Shanghai Financial Service Office, told the official Xinhua news agency on Friday that the delegation would go to London, Chicago and New York in search of employees.

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